Please come along to show your support the competitors, and enjoy the competitions. Tickets are on sale at the venue door each day – school children FREE.
Entry is £4 per morning/ afternoon/ evening – or £10 for a whole day session. (Tickets on Monday 13th March – at Perth Concert Hall are £6 per session) – school children FREE.
Become a patron and and enjoyed FREE entry every day – to all events. Membership forms can be completed at the door – cost £20 a year.
Admission is not permitted during a performance – you will be kindly asked to wait for a suitable break.
Programmes are on sale at the door – price £4 – to help you follow the events and to plan your visits.
If you are coming to support a friend or family members – please consider staying for more than one class – often later classes will feature performers who are at a more advanced level – demonstrating the progression that can be made in just year or two. All our performers value your support – and warm applause.
Performers attaining the highest marks in some specific classes will be invited to return to take part in the Larg and Premier Trophy competitions for the festival’s top awards on the final evening – at 7pm, Saturday 18th March 2023.