Hon. Presidents
Mr Dennis Melloy
Mr Allan R. Young MBE
Mr Xander McDade

Hon. Vice-President
Mr Iain W. Lamond, LL.B.(Edin.)

Mr Kenneth Maciver

Mrs C.A. Munro

Mrs M.E. Waterston, 35 Buchan Drive, PERTH, PH1 1NQ

Music/Syllabus Secretary
Mrs Denise Crighton-Ward, 102 Main Street, Crosshill, Fife, KY5 8AN perthfestmusicsecretary@hotmail.com

Hon. Treasurer
Derek Bonthrone
Email – Treasurer

Stewards’ Convenor
Mrs Sarah Sloan

Independent Examiner

Wilma Malcolm
Elsie Craig
Iona Crosby
Lynsey Paterson
Peggy Lamond
Allanah Creighton
Amanda Nicolson
Linda Leggat

The Festival operates an equal opportunities policy, in line with the recommendations of the British & International Federation of Festivals of Music, Dance and Speech.