2015 Festival


2015 Finalists for the Premier Trophy

Jamie Turnbull (Piano, Crieff High School); Peter Seaton (B flat Cornet, Perth Academy); Robert Baldwin (French Horn, Glenalmond College); Rebecca Coffey (Flute, Morrison’s Academy) and Emma Ritchie (Cello, Perth High School).

Photo: Strathview Photographic

Ola Stanton (Violin, Kinross High School); Adele Melia (Organ, Glenalmond College); Lauren Burrows (Flute, Morrison’s Academy) and Jenny Whitaker (Trumpet and B flat Cornet, Kilgraston)

Perform In Perth final evening award winners
Perform In Perth final evening award winners
(Left) Layla Brown, soprano, winner of the Lord Provost Macnab Gold Medal and Irene McFarlane, soprano, winner of ‘The Perform in Perth Silver Medal’
Perform In Perth final evening award winners
Perform In Perth 2015 Major Award Winners

Tom Cahalin, winner of the Premier Percussion Co.’s Shield for the most promising in drum kit; Emma Ritchie, winner of the Miss Elspeth Stirling Gold Medal for strings; Lewis Halstead, joint winner of the Wilkie’s Music Shield for the most promising in snare drum and winner of the Wilkie’s Music Shield for the most promising in xylophone; Emma Smith, joint winner of the Wilkie’s Music Shield for the most promising in snare drum;
Jamie Turnbull, piano, winner of the Premier Trophy and the McFatridge Rosebowl for piano; Robert Baldwin, horn, winner of the Thomas H. Stewart Memorial Award for brass; Rebecca Coffey, flute, winner of the Stuart McNab Memorial Trophy for flute and the Louis J. Barnett Memorial Trophy for woodwind; Jenny Whitaker, B flat cornet, winner of the Larg Trophy; Duncan Hunter, baritone, winner of The Music Industries Council Cup, awarded to the best individual competitor in Vocal Classes.

Photos: Strathview Photographic

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